Investment Feasibility Analysis of Outpatient Electronic Medical Records in RSUP Surakarta Hospital


  • Agustyarum Pradiska Budi Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta
  • Patricia Candra Altista Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta


Cost Benefit Analysis, Information System Investment, Electronic Medical Record Development


Advances in technology have an effect on the health sector, the use of information system technology in hospitals is a necessity in health services. One application of the use of information systems in services is the Electronic Medical Record (RME). This study aims to determine the feasibility study of the RME investment that has been carried out at Surakarta Hospital. This type of research is a quantitative descriptive study with a sample of RME on outpatient care. The method used to analyze the feasibility of outpatient RME investment is Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA). The results of the Net Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) study were 1,010, where Net BCR > 1 and it was concluded that outpatient RME investment was feasible. The feasibility of this investment is supported by the results of other economic analyzes such as the IRR values indicating that they are feasible. Based on the evaluation of the feasibility of the project, only the NPV is not feasible with an NPV <1





