The Phenomenon of Using Korean Pop Culture as a Marketing Strategy of Indonesian Product Advertisement


  • Maharani Ayuning Tyas Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta
  • Markus Utomo Sukendar Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta


Korean Pop Culture, Marketing Strategy, Product Advertisement


Currently, many product advertisements in Indonesia use Korean cultural trends by using Korean artists as
brand ambassadors. Indonesia is a country with quite a lot of K-Pop fans in the world. This is an opportunity
to carry out marketing activities by approaching consumers through the use of Korean cultural elements.
One of them is by using Korean artists in product advertisements in Indonesia. This research focuses on the
phenomenon of product advertising in Indonesia which uses brand ambassadors from Korea with Pop culture
as a marketing strategy. Data collection methods use observation, interviews and literature study methods.
Data analysis in this research uses the AIDA model marketing communication variables which are linked to
the role and function of the Korean brand ambassador in product advertising. The conclusion of this research
shows that the use of brand ambassadors in product advertising in Indonesia is the right marketing strategy
to reach the target market in Indonesia. Brand ambassadors are a key element in every stage of the AIDA
concept. Choosing a Korean brand ambassador can help to direct attention, generate interest, strengthen
desire, and encourage consumer action regarding the product or service being promoted.





